I realized the other day that I'm only going to live once, so I better get going. This blog will document my journey through my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Numbers 68, 91, 6, and 43!

Well, I'm reporting some news from a very hot room! I moved from my tiny and cramped summer apartment into a very spacious (but non-air conditioned) campus owned house with other English majors! It's great...even though I'm still in the unpacking phase. Sooo many clothes to put on hangers.

Anyway, I have some good progress to report. While I was packing, I went through all of my clothes (I really don't even care that much about clothes, but some how I accumulate such a big amount...?) and I stuffed a trash bag full of clothes I don't wear and donated it. It was good to make a little room in the closet...to be filled promptly with new clothes. Sigh, it will never end. Oh well. So, that is #68 crossed off.

Well, the semester has officially started. Which means I am going to try accomplishing #91 Maintain a Healthy Exercise Regimen for a Semester. I have it all down on paper...so I'm gonna give it the good old college try. We'll see in December whether or not I accomplish this one in the first try.

And, I added another recipe to #6 Try at least one new recipe a month for a year. Today, I cooked a big Welcome Back to Campus dinner for some of my friends and (among about a million other things) I tried my hand at fried eggplant. I know that so far, my list of new recipes has been fried...buuuut don't worry, it's not going to become a trend. Next month will be healthier. But the fried eggplant was really yummy! So, it's still a work in progress!

And on that note, I started #43 Bake Ten Different Kinds of Cupcakes. I baked Nutella cupcakes for the dinner party. I never made them before...but oh. my. goodness. THEY WERE DELICIOUS. Seriously. I think this is going to be my favorite task! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Mmm, eggplant. You should try this: https://sites.google.com/site/recetasalazar/eggplant

    (Yes, someone does read this. I'm a creepy stalker. =D)
