I realized the other day that I'm only going to live once, so I better get going. This blog will document my journey through my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

#6. Try a new recipe every month for a year and #67. Fill a notebook with writing

#6 Start Date: July 2010
End Date: July 2011

#67 Start Date: July 27,2010
End Date: Whenever it is finished

Well, I'm still trying to stay positive! It has been very...challenging...to say the least. But in the mean time I wanted to update about two new projects I'm starting.

If you know me, you know that I absolutely adore cooking. I'm Italian, so we have family recipes I love to make, and cooking has always been a big part of family for me. When I cook for my boyfriend or my friends or family, it's me putting care and love into something to nourish them and show them my love. So, a lot of my 101 goals are cooking related, which is exciting!! This month, I made fried chicken for the very first time! It was a really basic recipe, but I spiced it up a bit, and you know what? It came out pretty darn good! I was proud :) So fried chicken was July 2010's recipe of the month. Next month I'm hoping to make bacon wrapped shrimp with cilantro lime rice!

Okay, and so onto the second goal that I'm starting. When I was in middle school and the beginning of high school, I always carried around a notebook. It was bursting with drawings, doodles, poems, stories, secret, random lists and anything else I could think of. I always had it, and it was like I was carrying around my creativity. I loved it! I haven't had one in a long time, and college life has been so crazy that I barely have time to sleep, let alone fill up a note book. But this is the challenge I'm starting today! I'm going to go out and buy an awesome notebook and start writing! I'm pumped for this one. When I'm done, maybe I'll put up before and after pics of the notebook ;)

Okay, on to keep being positive! :)

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